Recent News
State Senate passed SB467 on a 37-0 vote
Apr 29, 2019
The State Senate passed SB-467 on Thursday, April 25.
POLS 440 Students Present SB-467 to the CA State Legislature
Apr 3, 2019
POLS 440 students presented their Senate Bill (SB-467) to the California Legislature on April 3. Be sure to watch the video footage of SB-467 and read SB-467.
Watch the video footage of SB-467
Cal Poly Model UN in New York
Apr 3, 2019
Cal Poly Model UN recently attended a Model UN Conference in New York. They presented the country of Guatemala and met with UN delegates.
The conference organizers invited one student from each university to give a 30 second speech on one of the Sustainable Development Goals. Professor Arceneaux used a lottery to select their representative, Owen Lemm, as shown in the video below.
POLS Faculty Discuss Midterm Elections on KCBX Radio
Jan 11, 2019
Join host Fred Munroe as he speaks with Political Science and Public Policy Professors, Chris Den Hartog, Ph.D., and Michael Latner, Ph.D., as they discuss the consequences of the Midterm elections, a New Congress and President Trump’s next two years and its importance to the Central Coast. Be sure to listen here.
MPP graduate named one of the Tribune's Top 20 under 40 award winners
Dec 21, 2018
Twenty young San Luis Obispo County residents have been selected from a field of nearly 100 nominees as winners of The Tribune’s 14th annual Top 20 Under 40 Award. Among the winners is Danielle Borelli, a graduate of Cal Poly's MPP program. Danielle is the Business Services Coordinator at the California Cybersecurity Institute (CCI) facility at Camp San Luis Obispo. The CCI provides training courses in cyber security for law enforcement, first-responders, military officers and decision makers.
Three MPP Students Accepted to Present at 2019 WPSA
Nov 2, 2018
Elizabeth Esparza, Elissa Feld and Eamon Nalband had their research projects on technology-based solutions to food redistribution, implementation and policy learning, and energy use and community values accepted to present at the 2019 Western Political Science Association’s Annual Conference in San Diego, CA, in April.
KSBY interview about new voter registrations
Oct 25, 2018
Brett Raffish and Jasmin Fashami, both Political Science majors, were interviewed by KSBY regarding new student voter registrations and how it is important for students to have a "strong voice in their local community." To watch the interview and read the article, please visit KSBY.

CA Bill Project Class Featured in Inside Higher Ed
Oct 12, 2018
Professor Chris Den Hartog's Bill Project class was featured in Inside Higher Ed! Check out the article here. You can also check out The Tribune article here.

Matt Moore Takes the #1 Podcast Position
Sep 21, 2018
Matt Moore receives the #1 favorite podcast from Research on Religion for his talk on Buddhism, Meditating Machines, and the Robopocalypse! The host of the podcast, Anthony Gill, stated that "after hanging up the phone, I remember sitting back in my chair and going “Whoa!”
Also, be sure to check out Matt's podcast Was the Buddha a Libertarian?.
Cal Poly Named Best in the West by U.S. News and California’s Best Public-Master’s University by Forbes
Sep 14, 2018
Cal Poly has been named the best public, master’s-level university in the West by U.S. News & World Report’s annual America’s Best Colleges guidebook for the 26th straight year. The 2019 guidebook lists Cal Poly in 12th place overall in the West for all regional universities.