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Learn By Doing Mini Grants

The POLS department now has a Learn By Doing Grant fund, open to all POLS majors and MPP students!

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NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Project Seminar

Come Learn about the NSF GRFP and how to apply! Drs. Emily Taylor and Eric Espinoza-Wade will give an overview to the program, share words from recipients and answer questions.

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Most POLS Students Now Qualify for State Funding for Groceries

Good news, Political Science Majors! The POLS major has been added to the state's LPIE (Local Program that Increases Employability) list.

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Winter Spotlight Photo Submissions

Help us create a picture collage for the upcoming issue of Spotlight!

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Cal Poly Career Services

Hey POLS Majors! Did you know that there are tons of resources accessible through Cal Poly that can help you with career planning and job searches?

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Learn more about internships related to Political Science!

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Undergraduate Outstanding Service Award Winner

Award Winner Gracie shares her thoughts on her award

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POLS-470-03: Writing and Persuasion in the Legal World

In this course, you will learn to construct persuasive arguments for a variety of audiences including judges, lawyers, and the public.

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POLS-459: The Politics of Poverty

Are you interested in learning about poverty in America while also having the opportunity to gain some community service experience?

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POLS-470-01: Marriage and the Law

Although many of you will marry, some of you will not.

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POLS-428: Immigration Politics and Policy

Develop expertise in the policy and politics of immigration in a new course taught by Professor Serena Clark.

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POLS-470-02: Applied Political Advocacy

Are you interested in effective political advocacy? Professor Annie Frew will be offering a new course in Spring 2024—POLS 470: Applied Political Advocacy.

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New Year, New Study Habits!

As midterms approach, here are some tips on how to study and seek academic support!

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Outstanding Senior in Political Science Award winner Emy Tobin

Outstanding Senior Emy Tobin

Award Winner Emy Tobin shares her thoughts on her award

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Faculty Award Winner

Professor Nancy Arrington talks about her Teacher-Scholar Mini Grant

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Faculty Award Winner

Professor Jean Williams is starting a new position as Honors Faculty Fellow for Experiential and Service Learning for AY 2023-24.

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Outstanding Graduate Award

Award Winner Alex shares her thoughts on her award

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Undergraduate Academic Excellence

Award Winner Noa Tuliau shares his thoughts on his award

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