Tentative Course Offerings 2024-25

Schedule is very tentative and subject to change. Check back often for updates.


Course Description F W S Faculty
POLS 111 California Constitution and Government X X X Staff
POLS 112

American and California Government 

X X X Staff
POLS 180 Political Inquiry X X   Simmt
POLS 225 Introduction to International Relations X X X Barclay/Leithner/Ramshorst
POLS 229 Introduction to Comparative Politics X X X Simmt/Johnson
POLS 230 Basic Concepts of Political Thought X X X Bennett/Staff
POLS 245 Judicial Process X X X Denbow/Asberry/Andrews
POLS 285 Model United Nations X - - Arceneaux
POLS 295 Foundations of Mock Trial X - - Asberry
POLS 308 Collective Violence & Conflict Resolution X - - Leithner
POLS 310 Politics of Ethnicity & Gender X X X Ramshorst
POLS 315 The American Presidency - X - Den Hartog
POLS 316 Political Participation - - -  
POLS 317 Campaign & Elections - - -  
POLS 319 United States Congress - - X Den Hartog
POLS 321 Comparative Political Culture - - X Zhang
POLS 324 International Relations Theory - - -  
POLS 325 Global Political Issues X - X Leithner/Arceneaux
POLS 328 Politics of Developing Areas - Latin America/Asia - X - Arceneaux
POLS 329 Ancient & Medieval Political Thought - - -  
POLS 330 Modern Political Thought X - - Staff
POLS 331 Contemporary Political Thought - X - Otruba
POLS 332 World Food Systems - - -  
POLS 334 Jurisprudence X X X Asberry/Staff
POLS 337 US and China in the Contemporary World - X - Zhang
POLS 338 Critical Issues in American Politics X - - Williams
POLS 339 Authoritarian and Democratic Rule X - - Arceneaux
POLS 340 American Judicial Politics  - - X Otruba
POLS 341 American Constitutional Law X X X Clark/Bennett/Asberry
POLS 342 Constitutional Theory - - X Den Otter
POLS 343 Civil Rights in America X X X

Den Otter/ Denbow/Ahmed

POLS 344 Civil Liberties X X X Andrews/Den Otter/ Bennett
POLS 347 Politics and Popular Culture - - -


POLS 348 Early American Political Thought - X - Bennett
POLS 349 Contemporary American Political Thought - X X Otruba
POLS 351 Public Policy and Administration X X - Nelson/Clark
POLS 359 Research Design X X X Ertan/Simmt
POLS 361 Data Analysis in Political Science X - X Battle/Simmt
POLS 375 California Politics - X - Den Hartog
POLS 380 Israeli-Palestinian Conflict - - -  
POLS 381 Peace and War - - -  
POLS 382 Comparative Foreign Policy - - -  
POLS 383 Politics of the European Union - - X Leithner
POLS 384 Comparative Law - - -  
POLS 385 Advanced Model United Nations - X X Arceneaux
POLS 386 Government Internship X X X


POLS 387 Research Internship X X - Zhang
POLS 395 Advanced Mock Trial - X - Asberry
POLS 400 Special Problems for Adv Undergraduates - - -  
POLS 417 Feminist Legal Theory - - X Denbow
POLS 419 Social Movements - X - Williams
POLS 420 US Foreign Policy - X - Hurt
POLS 425 Political Corruption - - -  
POLS 426 International Organizations and Law - - X Hurt
POLS 427 Politics of the Global Economy X - - Hurt
POLS 428 Issues/Topics - Immigration/Film & Politics X X - Clark/(Arceneaux/Leithner)
POLS 429 Issues/Topics - Middle Eastern Politics - X - Bedenlier
POLS 430 Issues/Topics - Disability, Allyship, Identity, and Politics - - -  
POLS 431 Issues/Topics - Gender and Judiciary - X - Aguiniga Frew
POLS 435 Political Communication - - X Leithner
POLS 440 CA Bill Project - - -  
POLS 445 Voting Rights and Representation X - - Aguiniga Frew
POLS 451 Technology and Public Policy - - -  
POLS 452 Technology and Intl Development X - - Hurt
POLS 455 Grant Writing - - -  
POLS 457 US Reproductive Politics - - -  
POLS 459 Politics of Poverty - - X Williams
POLS 461 Senior Project I X X X Staff
POLS 462 Senior Project II X X X Staff
POLS 470 Selected Advanced Topics X X X Staff
POLS 471 Urban Politics X - - Aguiniga Frew
POLS 500 Independent Study - - X Battle
POLS 510 Research Design X - - Ertan
POLS 515 Public Policy X - - Aguiniga Frew
POLS 518 Public Policy Analysis - X - Ertan
POLS 540 Leadership & Management  - - -  
POLS 550 Regulatory and Economic Policy - X - Hurt
POLS 560 Quantitative Methods - - X Battle
POLS 568 Special Topics in Public Policy - - -  
POLS 570 TBD - - -  
POLS 586 Policy Internship X X X


POLS 590 Graduate Seminar X X - Arrington/Battle
POLS 595 Comprehensive Exam Prep - - X Battle

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