AB 2385 Signed into Law!

California Gov. Jerry Brown signed Assembly Bill 2385 into law which calls on college textbook publishers to inform students about the differences in textbook editions. The Cal Poly Bill Project class gave students​​ ​the​ ​opportunity​ ​to draft​ ​a​ ​bill​ and work with state legislators to potentially​ ​pass​ ​the​ bill through the ​California​ ​state​ ​legislature.​ ​Students from the CA Bill Project class worked with Assemblyman Jordan Cunningham, former Assemblyman Katcho Achadjian and faculty advisor Dr. Chris Den Hartog to research and draft the bill throughout the 17-18 academic school year. Earlier this year, students traveled to Sacramento to advocate their support for the bill. For more information, please visit KSBY and The Tribune.

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