Meet the Board

Cal Poly Mock Trial Board Members 2018-19

Alexis Flores, Cal Poly Mock TrialYuval Shemesh

Major: Physics

Year: 3rd

Position: President

Role: In my position, I have various duties to keep the club running. Aside from living and breathing mock trial every second of every day, I organize meetings, create plans for the program’s competitive future, arrange the efforts of fellow board members, and keep communication with the American Mock Trial Association. 

Why did you run for your position: I wanted to run as President because I felt the need to contribute to something I regard as being incredibly important and influential. My freshmen year was made infinitely many times better with mock trial in it. Watching the board of the time make pivotal decisions and act as the face of the program inspired me to pursue a leadership position. Being elected Treasurer in my second year gave me a taste for the fulfillment of knowing your executive contribution positively affects the many dozens of club members you interact with. Those who you come to love after years of competing together. I knew I wanted to continue that contribution in as great a capacity as I could, so I ran for President.

Favorite memory from mock trial: My favorite memory at this program was sitting with one of my Freshman year captains, Ian, at 2 a.m. the night before a tournament. While our teammates were resting before the early morning rounds, we talked for hours to analyze the minute details of our presentation as co-counsel members. It was a sincere moment of pure passion for something that seemed trivial to many but meant everything to us. It’s the moment I credit as my realization of just how much I love mock trial and this club for giving me the ability me to do it.

Elizabeth Paxson, Cal Poly Mock TrialTorri Creamer

Major: Political Science, Pre-Law Concentration; Women's & Gender Studies and Ethnic Studies Minors

Year: 3rd

Position: Vice-President

Role: As the Vice President, I act as the Tournament Director, both for our own Cal Poly Mock Trial Invitational Tournament as well as all other competitions in which our program competes, and facilitate communications between members of the program and the Executive Board. 

Why did you run for your position: I've been a part of Cal Poly Mock Trial since my freshman year of college, and I've enjoyed every moment of it. After my second year in Mock Trial, I decided to run for Vice President. This program has brought me so much joy, comfort, and fulfillment during what I can only describe as a very hectic time of my life. My primary goal was and has remained to do for this program what it has done for me: support, challenge, stabilize, and nurture. 

Favorite memory from mock trial: I couldn't choose a favorite memory if I tried; I've relished every practice, every road trip to and from tournaments, every delusional late night preparing for competition, every award, and every embarrassing mistake in trial.

Juan Moreno, Cal Poly Mock TrialCooper Bohley

Major: Software Engineering

Year: 2nd

Position: Treasurer

Role: As Treasurer, I oversee the money! I manage the budget and spending for competitions, travel, and merchandise. I also work closely with the College of Liberal Arts to receive sufficient funds for the program.

Why did you run for your position: I wanted to run for this position because I felt like I could make a positive difference in the club to help encourage better money practices within the organization!

Favorite memory from mock trial: My favorite memory in mock trial winning a bid to ORCS at our AMTA Regionals competition in 2021, all over Zoom!

Shekinah Deocares, Cal Poly Mock TrialMelissa Toussimehr 

Major: Political Science, Pre-Law Concentration; French and Indigenous Studies in the Natural Resources and Environment Minors

Year: 3rd

Position: Secretary

Role: As the Secretary for the program, I help plan bonding events for the entire program, run the social media (check out our Instagram: @cpmocktrial) to showcase our amazing progress and members, as well as design the merchandise! 

Why did you run for your position: This program really created my college experience, bringing me some of the most amazing people and memories. I wanted to pour some of my love for this program into its Executive Board, so I decided to run for Secretary. I was already heavily involved with the Secretary's position last year by starting Member Highlights, tournament recaps, Senior Spotlights, and staying active in communication with other programs on social media. I wanted to continue all these initiatives and help the program bond as we transition into a hybrid modality of in-person and virtual events. 

Favorite memory from mock trial: It is too difficult to choose only one favorite memory from mock trial, but a few include the 2020 season when my team won a bid to ORCS at the Fresno Regionals, Team LaCroix, A Team 2021 (such a tender, heartwarming group of people), and Team Danny Phantom!

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