Ron Den Otter
- Constitutional Law
- Constitutional Theory
- Political Theory
- Free Speech
Contact Information
- Office: Building 47, Room 11N
- Phone: 805-756-2984
- E-mail:
Classes Taught
American Constitutional Law, Civil Liberties, Civil Rights, Jurisprudence, American Government, Contemporary Political Theory, Critical Issues in American Politics, Constitutional Theory, and Judicial Process
- Books
- "Beyond same-sex marriage: Perspectives on marital possibilities," Lanham: Lexington Books, 2016
- "In Defense of Plural Marriage," New York: Cambridge University Press, 2015
- "Judicial Review in an Age of Moral Pluralism," New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009
- Articles
“The Importance of Constitutional Public Reason,” in Public Reason and Courts, ed. Silje Aambo Langvatn, Mattias Kumm, Wojciech Sadurski (Cambridge University Press, 2020), 66-89.
“A Perfectionist Argument for Legal Recognition of Polyamorous Relationships,” in Philosophical Foundations of Children’s and Family Law, ed. Elizabeth Brake and Lucinda Ferguson (Oxford University Press, 2018), 95-114.
- “Three May Not Be a Crowd: The Case for a Constitutional Right to Plural Marriage,” Emory Law Journal 64 (2015), 1977-2046.
- "Can a Liberal Take His Own Side in an Argument? The Case for John Rawls's Idea of Political Liberalism," Saint Louis Law Journal 49 (2005), 319-366.
- Reprinted in "John Rawls and the Law"
- "The Place of Moral Judgment in Constitutional Interpretation," Indiana Law Review 37 (2004), 375-416.
- "Democracy, Not Deference: An Egalitarian Theory of Judicial Review," Kentucky Law Journal 91 (2002-03), 615-666.
Ronald C. Den Otter, “Constitutional Reform and the Problem of Distributive Justice,” New Political Science 46 (3) (2024): 328-352.
Ronald C. Den Otter, “A Constitutional Right to a Universal Basic Income,” New Political Science 46 (2) (2024): 171-192.