POLS 112 Module 2: Political Culture, Communication and Organization
Note: Unless otherwise indicated, you are expected to complete all the readings prior to class meeting times. You are strongly encouraged to bring copies of all readings to class each day, as well as to take notes as you read. This schedule is subject to change.
L7: Political Socialization, Ideology and Mobilization
If you have trouble viewing this video, please view it on youtube.
- Article: The Biology of Cultural Conflict
- Video: Political Socialization
- Article: Rational Ignorance (PDF)
- Article: Verba, et. al., Family Ties (PDF)
- Article: Russell Dalton, “The Good News is, The Bad News is Wrong” (PDF)
- Article: Pew Research, “From ISIS to Unemployment, What do Americans Know?”
- Article: How much do protests matter? A Freakonomics Quorum
L8: Linkage Institutions: Political Communication and Mass Media
- Article: Robert Kaiser “The Bad News About The News”
- Video: John Stewart v Fox News
- Article: Media Bias
- Article: Pew Research, “Political Polarization and Media Habits”
- Article: Social Media and Representation
- Article: Loader, et.al, The networked young citizen
L9: Linkage Institutions: Political Parties and Interest Groups
- Article: Dalton et.al., “Parties and Representative Government” (PDF)
- Video: Lawrence Lessig, “We the People, and the Republic We Must Reclaim”
- Article: Bradley Smith, “Why should electoral integrity exclude freedom of speech?”
- Article: Forum with Martin Gilens, “Under the Influence”
- Article: Kay Lehman Schlozman, “The Role of Interest Groups”
- Article: Michael Barber and Nolan McCarty, "Causes and Consequences of Polarization" (PDF)
L10: Elections and Representation
- Article: Electoral Systems: Overview, Guiding Principles, Context…The Systems and Their Consequences, Plurality/Majority, FPTP advantages and disadvantages
- Article: IDEA, Why Voter Turnout Varies (PDF)
- Video: Bill Mundell, Gerrymandering
- Article: Rick Hasen, How to Save the Voting Rights Act